Seasonal period: All year

Lactuca sativa, is an herbaceous plant from the semi-warm regions that is planted to be eaten. Because of the many types there are and the greenhouse plantations, it can be consumed all year-through. It’s usually eaten raw, as an ingredient for salads and other dishes, but certain types, especially the Chinese ones, have a more thick texture so they are cooked.

A plant with a pivoting and ramified root around 25cm. The growth is like a rose; the leaves grow around a central stem, short and cylindrical that gradually goes longer and longer to produce the inflorescences, made by yellow flowers bundled in corymbs. Depending on the type, the leaf margins can be entire, undulate or serrated.

Nutritional information (1.0 ud)
Sugars 3.6 g
Salt (Sodium) 1.0 mg
Folic acid 0.0 ug
Vitamin C 29.0 g
Vitamin A 561.0 ug
Zinc 0.69 mg
Iron 3.0 mg
Calcium 98.0 mg
Cholesterol 0.0 mg
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 1.0 g
Monounsaturated fatty acids 0.03 g
Saturates 0.36 g
Fiber 3.5 g
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