60 min
Type of dish: Salads, Shellfish
Temperature: Cold
Seasonal period: All year
Ingredients for 5 portions
Ingredients for portions/units
Lobster 1.5 kg
Runner beans 0.1 kg
Carrots 0.1 kg
Salad tomato 0.1 kg
Table salt 1.0 g
Tomato 0.25 kg
Green pepper 0.005 kg
Garlic, bulb 0.25 ud
Basil 2.5 g
Table salt 0.25 g
Vinegar 0.003 l
Water 0.075 l
Olive oil 0.025 l
Mayonnaise sauce 0.2 l
Ketchup 10.0 g
Brandy 0.005 l
Orange juice 0.125 kg
Tabasco 0.05 ml
Table salt 0.5 g
Onion 0.003 kg
Garlic, bulb 0.005 ud
Green pepper 0.002 kg
Diced tomato 0.013 kg
Table salt 0.005 g
Sugar 0.0 kg

For the lobster:

  • If the lobster is dead, boil it in abundant salted water, boil for around 15 minutes per kg of weight and then cool with cold water and ice.
  • If it is alive, it can be cooked from warm water, or kill it first by putting vinegar in the mouth.
  • It is usually convenient in any case to cover the holes, which may be due to the lack of legs, with breadcrumbs.
  • Boil the lobster keeping the tail rigid.
  • Once cold remove the shell from the tail carefully, the pincer meat has to come out in one piece.
  • Remove the meat from the head and set aside to garnish the sauce.
  • Reserve the coral to garnish the sauce and the legs and the shell of the head to decorate.

For the garnishing:

  • Boiled green beans cut into julienne.
  • Carrots cut into julienne boiled in small amount of water.
  • Concassé tomato.  


  • Garnished vinaigrette
  • Gazpacho sauce  
  • Coral sauce: it can be replaced by rosé sauce.
  • Mix the meat of the head with the mayonnaise in a tall blender glass, add the coral + a few drops of brandy and blend everything together. If the coral isn't enough to give it color, add some tomato sauce.


  • Place some pods green beans, carrots and tomato cut into julienne in the centre of the plate, dress with the vinaigrette.
  • Cut the tail of the lobster being careful to maintain the position of the slices and place them on top of the seasoned vegetables.
  • On one side place a whole pincer, decorate with the legs and half head, previously glazed with oil.
  • Season the meat of the lobster with the garnish vinaigrette and decorate with all the sauces.
  • Serve three sauce bowls with the gazpacho, the vinaigrette garnish and the garnished coral sauce with the meat of the head. Decorate the bowls.
Nutritional information (1 portion)
Sugars 8.55 g
Salt (Sodium) 1168.24 mg
Folic acid 87.72 ug
Vitamin C 54.53 g
Vitamin A 400.29 ug
Zinc 3.16 mg
Iron 2.51 mg
Calcium 160.81 mg
Cholesterol 321.11 mg
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 7.43 g
Monounsaturated fatty acids 49.93 g
Saturates 9.43 g
Fiber 2.86 g
The data is merely a guide and should not be used for medical purposes. Those responsible for the web disclaims any responsibility.