Artichokes à la marinara (5th range cuisine)

90 min
Type of dish: Vegetables, Shellfish
Temperature: Hot
Cuisine type: 5th range cuisine
Seasonal period: All year
Ingredients for 5 portions
Ingredients for portions/units
Frozen chopped artichoke 0.75 kg
Mussel 1.0 kg
Onion 0.25 kg
Chilli pepper 0.5 g
Leek 1.5 ud
White wine 0.05 l
Fumet 0.5 l
Tomato sauce 0.125 l
Estaber C707, TABERNER 0.02 g
Dried thyme leaves 0.5 g
Dry basil 0.5 g
Parsley 7.5 g
Onion 0.033 kg
Green leek 0.333 ud
Parsley 0.0 g
Fish heads and bones 0.133 kg
Water 0.5 l
Onion 0.042 kg
Garlic, bulb 0.067 ud
Green pepper 0.025 kg
Diced tomato 0.167 kg
Table salt 0.058 g
Sugar 0.0 kg


  • Steam the mussels in a sauté pan until they open. Avoid overcooking. Save the stock for later.
  • Baste with the fumet and the mussel stock, add tomato sauce and aromatic herbs and bring the mixture to boil.
  • Make a roux without heating and blend with a blender using the same amount of grease (margarine, oil, etc.) to thicken.
  • While the sauce boils, thicken it with the mixture whilst stirring with a metal whisk.
  • Season and check the colour is as desired and let the sauce cool down, to less than 8 ºC.
  • Distribute the artichokes and the mussel with one shell per tray. Baste with the sauce until everything is covered.
  • Heat seal the trays and place the valve in the Valvopack.
  • Put the trays in the steam oven with 100 % of humidity and preheated to 93 ºC for 60 minutes.
  • Cool down until the temperature in the core of the product is less than 8 ºC (in less than 2 hours).
  • Store in a refrigerating chamber between 0 ºC and 4 ºC.


  • The temperature in the core of the product must reach, at least, 65 ºC.
  • In the same tray, heat in the steam oven with 100 % of humidity, to 93 ºC, for 30 minutes.
  • In the case of individual servings, it is also possible to heat it in the microwave for 5 minutes to maximum power.
  • Another way to heat the food is gently frying in a pan.
Nutritional information (1 portion)
Sugars 13.5 g
Salt (Sodium) 223.21 mg
Folic acid 173.03 ug
Vitamin C 56.39 g
Vitamin A 172.74 ug
Zinc 2.43 mg
Iron 5.67 mg
Calcium 235.78 mg
Cholesterol 50.02 mg
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 1.66 g
Monounsaturated fatty acids 3.22 g
Saturates 1.21 g
Fiber 14.63 g
The data is merely a guide and should not be used for medical purposes. Those responsible for the web disclaims any responsibility.