3 h 30 min
Type of dish: Meats
Temperature: Hot
Conservation technique: Pasteurization
Seasonal period: All year
Traces of eggs
Traces of eggs
Ingredients for 5 portions
Ingredients for portions/units
Onion 0.5 kg
Carrots 0.25 kg
Leek 0.5 ud
Red wine 0.075 l
Plain flour 0.025 kg
Powdered beef stock 0.008 kg
Water 1.25 l
Table salt 10.0 g
Tomato sauce 0.125 l
Bell pepper 0.15 kg
Minced meat 0.5 kg
Chuck 0.2 kg
Bread 75.0 g
Onion 0.1 kg
Garlic, bulb 2.5 ud
Parsley 1.0 g
Table salt 7.5 g
Ground white pepper 1.0 g
Olive oil 0.05 l
Plain flour 0.05 kg
Onion 0.042 kg
Garlic, bulb 0.067 ud
Green pepper 0.025 kg
Diced tomato 0.167 kg
Table salt 0.058 g
Sugar 0.0 kg

For this recipe, the following elaborations are necessary:

  • Pig and beef meatballs 
  • Tomato sauce
  • For the meatballs sauce: 
    • Prepare a white stock using the meat extract.
    • Cut the vegetables: laminate the garlic, shred the onions and cut the carrot and leek into half moons. 
    • Poach according to hardness order. Degrease, add the red wine and allow to reduce. 
    • Thicken it with 35 g of flour per litre of stock.
    • Add  the stock and the tomato sauce to  enforce and give colour to the elaboration.
    • Blend with a food processor and put the mixture through a colander.  
    • Boil it again, and adjust the salt and thickness.
  • Garnish:
    • Diced red peppers 
  • Put four meatballs (about 35 g) on the food tray and baste it with 150 g sauce and place the garnish on top to get to 350 g per unit in each tray. 
  • Chill ( Core TEMPERATURE) under 8 ºC in less than two hours.


  • Thermoseal the food trays and place the valve with Valvopack.
  • Place in a 100% humidity steam oven and pasteurise at 96 ºC for 60 minutes. 
  • Store it in the freezer between 0 ºC and 4 ºC.


  • The inner temperature of the product should reach at least 75 ºC minimum. 
  • In the same tray, regenerate it in the steam oven at 100% humidity. 
  • Or in the microwave for 3 minutes at maximum power.
  • Another way of regeneration is to remove the product from the package and heat it in a saucepan.


Portion 350 g approximately


QUANTITIES: ground-beef (20%), ground pork (8%)

Nutritional information (1 portion)
Sugars 7.23 g
Salt (Sodium) 1520.11 mg
Folic acid 71.71 ug
Vitamin C 45.73 g
Vitamin A 751.16 ug
Zinc 5.73 mg
Iron 6.38 mg
Calcium 251.42 mg
Cholesterol 89.25 mg
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 3.91 g
Monounsaturated fatty acids 21.51 g
Saturates 13.75 g
Fiber 4.86 g
The data is merely a guide and should not be used for medical purposes. Those responsible for the web disclaims any responsibility.