Battered hake with piperrada (roasted green peppers, fried red peppers, onion, garlic and tomato)

45 min
Type of dish: Fish, Finger foods
Temperature: Hot
Cuisine type: Basque cuisine
Seasonal period: All year
Ingredients for 5 portions
Ingredients for portions/units
Hake 0.333 kg
Plain flour 0.033 kg
Eggs 0.667 ud
Tomato 0.033 kg
Concassé tomato 1.667 ud
Kataifi Pasta 16.667 g
Parsley 1.667 g
Lemon 0.067 kg
Table salt 5.0 g

For the hake:

  • Clean the hake and remove the skin out of the supremes

For the garnish:

For decoration:

  • Prepare a tomato emulsion:
  • Wash and chop the pear tomatoes, blend them with little salt.
  • When they are well liquefied, emulsify with oil pouring in a small stream, without stopping beating until the desired consistency is achieved.
  • Add salt to taste.
  • Make a nest with kataifi pasta by oiling the pasta and placing them in a nest shaped mould.
  • Bake the nests at 180 ºC, dry heat, for 6 minutes. Remove from the mould and set aside.
  • Chop parsley.
  • Cut the lemon.


  • Season the hake, roll in flour and a beaten egg, fry.
  • Insert the hake onto the skewer.
  • Heat the basic roasted peppers (piperrada) and the concassé tomato.
  • Place the piperrada inside the kataifi pasta nest.
  • Put the hake on the skewer and decorate with a thread of tomato, lemon and a little chopped parsley emulsion sprinkled on top.
Nutritional information (1 portion)
Sugars 5.21 g
Salt (Sodium) 618.17 mg
Folic acid 42.6 ug
Vitamin C 59.99 g
Vitamin A 108.61 ug
Zinc 0.48 mg
Iron 7.25 mg
Calcium 88.6 mg
Cholesterol 66.48 mg
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 2.59 g
Monounsaturated fatty acids 19.73 g
Saturates 3.8 g
Fiber 2.06 g
The data is merely a guide and should not be used for medical purposes. Those responsible for the web disclaims any responsibility.