100 min
Type of dish: Meats
Cuisine type: European cuisine
Seasonal period: All year
Ingredients for 5 portions
Ingredients for portions/units
Chuck 1.214 kg
Table salt 5.0 g
Plain flour 0.036 kg
Onion 0.143 kg
Garlic, bulb 0.714 ud
Chilli pepper 0.0 g
Brown stock 0.714 l
Tomato sauce 0.071 l
Tomato 0.429 kg
Onion 0.071 kg
Carrots 0.036 kg
Green leek 0.429 ud
Bones 0.214 kg
Red wine 0.036 l
Water 0.714 l
Onion 0.024 kg
Garlic, bulb 0.038 ud
Green pepper 0.014 kg
Diced tomato 0.095 kg
Table salt 0.033 g
Sugar 0.0 kg
  • Make a brown stock.
  • Remove the fat and nerves from the meat and cut into 4 cm cubes. Add salt.
  • Chop garlic and onion into brunoise.
  • The meat sauté, then remove the fat from the pan, add the vegetables and sauté them together with the meat juices.
  • Add the meat again and sprinkle a little flour so it absorbs any remaining fats, then add chilli pepper and sauté.
  • Add the brown stock until covering the meat, then boil until the meat is tender and the vegetables are soft.
  • Add salt if required and thicken with corn flour if necessary.
  • Add tomato concassé and tomato sauce.
  • Serve with French fries.
Nutritional information (1 portion)
Sugars 18.73 g
Salt (Sodium) 475.74 mg
Folic acid 208.77 ug
Vitamin C 74.39 g
Vitamin A 205.73 ug
Zinc 8.87 mg
Iron 8.82 mg
Calcium 243.76 mg
Cholesterol 157.98 mg
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 6.41 g
Monounsaturated fatty acids 43.37 g
Saturates 23.39 g
Fiber 9.54 g
The data is merely a guide and should not be used for medical purposes. Those responsible for the web disclaims any responsibility.