100 min
Temperature: Hot
Additional culinary preparation: Sauces
Conservation technique: Pasteurization
Seasonal period: All year
Traces of celery
Traces of celery
Traces of mustard
Traces of mustard
Traces of nuts
Traces of nuts
Traces of sesame
Traces of sesame
Ingredients for 5 portions
Ingredients for portions/units
Onion 0.2 kg
Bacon 0.2 kg
Table salt 10.0 g
Ground black pepper 0.5 g
Parmesan cheese 0.05 kg
Margarine 0.03 kg
Plain flour 0.03 kg
Ground white pepper 0.002 g
Ground nutmeg 0.002 g
Table salt 3.75 g

For this recipe, the following elaborations are needed: 

  • Bechamel sauce
  • Garnish: 
    • Thinly brunoise the onion and laminate the mushrooms. 
    • Cut the bacon into 1 cm sticks.
    • Gently fry the onion. Once it is fried, stir the bacon over it.
    • Sauté or stew the mushrooms aside.
    • Grate the pecorino or parmesan cheese, or in their absence, any mature sheep cheese.
  • Add 25% cream to the bechamel. 
  • Add grated cheese and season it with salt and pepper.
  • To finish, add the garnish (the onion, bacon and mushroom) 
  • Place 2 portions in each ⅛ food tray, 150 g per portion, that is, 300 g in each tray. 
  • Chill under 8 ºC in less than 2 hours. 


  • Thermoseal the food trays and place the valve with Valvopack. 
  • Place it in the steam oven at 100% humidity and pasteurise it at 96ºC for 60 minutes.
  • Chill (core temperature under 8 ºC in less than two hours). 
  • Store it in the refrigerator between 0ºC and 4 ºC.


  • Take the product out of the package and heat it in a saucepan. 
  • Add the boiled and drained pasta.
  • Finish with some sliced parmesan cheese. 


Portion 150 g approximately (2 portions per tray)


Nutritional information (1 portion)
Sugars 9.06 g
Salt (Sodium) 1693.72 mg
Folic acid 24.65 ug
Vitamin C 10.84 g
Vitamin A 263.64 ug
Zinc 1.84 mg
Iron 1.75 mg
Calcium 369.48 mg
Cholesterol 121.43 mg
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 6.01 g
Monounsaturated fatty acids 21.9 g
Saturates 23.74 g
Fiber 1.2 g
The data is merely a guide and should not be used for medical purposes. Those responsible for the web disclaims any responsibility.