Puff pastry: Croissant, pain au chocolat, etc.

120 min
Suitable for vegetarians
Type of dish: Bread and pastries
Temperature: Room temperature
Seasonal period: All year
Traces of soy
Traces of soy
Ingredients for 5 portions
Ingredients for portions/units
Strong flour 0.104 kg
Plain flour 0.104 kg
Water 0.083 l
Table salt 3.125 g
Flour enhancer 2.083 g
Yeast 10.417 g
Sugar 0.033 kg
Eggs 0.625 ud
Powdered milk 8.333 g
Butter 0.008 kg
Margarine puff pastry 0.125 kg

Kneading time: 13´/ 15´

Temperature of the dough: 25 ºC.

1ª Fermentation of the dough without dividing:

2ª Fermentation of a piece of the divided dough: 10´

3ª Fermentation of a formed piece: 1h 30’

Baking time: 12´

Temperature of the oven: 220 ºC


  • Knead everything together all until obtaining a fine and elastic dough.
  • Divide into pieces of 1 Kg and make balls.
  • Add to each piece 300 g. of margarine for croissants or puff pastry.
  • Turn round three times, with a rest of 15' between turns.
  • Stretch the pieces until reaching the desired thickness and weight per croissant of +/- 135 g.
  • Cut the pieces of dough into a triangular shape with a croissant rolling pin, or with a knife.
  • Roll the croissants trying to leave the vertex of the triangle under the rest of the rolled dough.
  • Place the pieces on a baking sheet taking care to leave space so they can ferment without touching each other.
  • Ferment the croissant in the fridge at 28 ºC and 75% humidity.
  • Paint them with egg and cook without steam and with the oven's kiln open.
  • In the elaboration of the pain au chocolate make a rectangle of about 10/12 cm long and 5/6 cm width and fill it with chocolate.
  • Once both versions are cold paint with frutgel or a dense syrup to glaze them.
  • Unless the croissants are intended for a filling in which case they do not need to be glazed.


  • The croissant is made from a fermented puff pastry. The most noticeable difference between the different types of croissant is found in its sugar content.
  • The less sweet ones are used for salty and savoury fillings, and the sweetest for breakfast.
  • The previous formula is between both types, so it is suitable for both types of sweet and savoury preparation.
Nutritional information (1 portion)
Sugars 7.22 g
Salt (Sodium) 465.4 mg
Folic acid 46.07 ug
Vitamin C 0.09 g
Vitamin A 32.64 ug
Zinc 0.56 mg
Iron 0.83 mg
Calcium 29.88 mg
Cholesterol 63.29 mg
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 9.81 g
Monounsaturated fatty acids 6.16 g
Saturates 6.62 g
Fiber 2.01 g
The data is merely a guide and should not be used for medical purposes. Those responsible for the web disclaims any responsibility.