Noodles with assorted vegetables, chicken and soya sauce

45 min
Type of dish: Pasta, Birds, Vegetables
Temperature: Hot
Cuisine type: Asian cuisine
Seasonal period: All year
Traces of eggs
Traces of eggs
Ingredients for 5 portions
Ingredients for portions/units
Noodles 0.4 kg
Cubed carrot 0.1 kg
Chopped green pepper 0.1 kg
Dados de cebolla 0.075 kg
Courgette 0.1 kg
Chicken breast 0.15 kg
Table salt 25.0 g
Soya sauce 0.05 l
Powdered vegetable stock 0.025 kg

The following elaborations are needed for this recipe: 

  • Make a brown poultry stock.
  • Boil the pasta
  • Wash and cut the vegetables for the garnish in sticks.
  • Sauté all the vegetables separately and season.
  • Vacuum pack the chicken breasts seasoning them with soya sauce and a slice of ginger.
  • Cook  the vacuum packed chicken breasts at 90 ºC  for 45 minutes.
  • Let the cooked chicken breasts cool and chop into strips.
  • Mix the remaining gravy left in the pack together with the poultry stock and thicken with a bit of cornstarch.


  • Put the pasta together with the vegetables, chicken and the sauce and mix all the ingredients. 
  • Warm all together with a lid on.
Nutritional information (1 portion)
Sugars 16.08 g
Salt (Sodium) 6720.49 mg
Folic acid 93.59 ug
Vitamin C 53.35 g
Vitamin A 461.48 ug
Zinc 1.46 mg
Iron 3.27 mg
Calcium 114.36 mg
Cholesterol 44.73 mg
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 3.94 g
Monounsaturated fatty acids 1.86 g
Saturates 4.32 g
Fiber 8.64 g
The data is merely a guide and should not be used for medical purposes. Those responsible for the web disclaims any responsibility.