45 min
Type of dish: Soups and creams, Fish
Temperature: Hot
Seasonal period: All year
Ingredients for 5 portions
Ingredients for portions/units
Fumet 1.75 l
Carrots 0.125 kg
Leek 1.2 ud
No. 3 frozen hake 0.25 kg
Brandy 0.025 l
Onion 0.125 kg
Chorizo pepper 0.75 ud
Rice 0.1 kg
Eggs 3.6 ud
Bulk mussels, frozen 0.075 kg
Creamed corn 0.025 kg
White wine 0.05 l
Parsley 5.0 g
Table salt 3.75 g
Onion 0.117 kg
Green leek 1.167 ud
Parsley 0.001 g
Fish heads and bones 0.467 kg
Water 1.75 l
  • Prepare a fumet as wholesome as possible with fish bones and heads, of monkfish if possible.
  • Prepare a Biscayne to use as seasoning.
  • Open the mussels with steam, remove from the shells and cut into big pieces.
  • Boil the rice.
  • Fry the carrot cut into brunoise and once done add the leek cut into brunoise.
  • Add the hake to the vegetables and sauté lightly, turn up the heat and cover in fumet.
  • Boil the eggs, peel and cut into 1 cm cubes.
  • Add the rest of the ingredients and bring to the boil.
  • Salt to taste.
Nutritional information (1 portion)
Sugars 37.39 g
Salt (Sodium) 525.75 mg
Folic acid 427.87 ug
Vitamin C 111.3 g
Vitamin A 734.6 ug
Zinc 3.23 mg
Iron 8.44 mg
Calcium 437.54 mg
Cholesterol 196.39 mg
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 2.62 g
Monounsaturated fatty acids 5.53 g
Saturates 2.81 g
Fiber 16.13 g
The data is merely a guide and should not be used for medical purposes. Those responsible for the web disclaims any responsibility.