75 min
Type of dish: Fish
Temperature: Cold
Seasonal period: All year
Ingredients for 5 portions
Ingredients for portions/units
No. 3 frozen hake 0.25 kg
Eggs 7.2 ud
Sterilised milk 0.225 l
Table salt 3.75 g
Ground white pepper 0.25 g
Tomato sauce 0.225 l
Mayonnaise sauce 0.18 l
Ketchup 25.0 g
Brandy 0.025 l
Tabasco 5.0 ml
Table salt 25.0 g
Lettuce 0.25 ud
Grated carrot 0.15 kg
Onion 0.075 kg
Garlic, bulb 0.12 ud
Green pepper 0.045 kg
Diced tomato 0.3 kg
Table salt 0.105 g
Sugar 0.0 kg
  • Make some tomato sauce.
  • Clean the hake and chop into large pieces.
  • Cook the hake in a reduced stock, leave to cool and then remove the skin and bones.
  • Crumble the hake.
  • Crack the eggs, beat and then add the milk and tomato sauce.
  • Mix with the crumbled fish and season.
  • Grease the moulds and then pour in the mixture.
  • Bake the pudding in a bain-marie (in the oven at 180ºC) until it sets. Bake at a low temperature and cover with aluminium foil so that it does not brown on top.
  • Leave to cool and then remove from the mould.


  • Cut the pudding into 2 cm pieces.
  • Serve cold with mayonnaise and pink sauce.
  • Decorate with lettuce chopped into julienne and grated carrot.
Nutritional information (1 portion)
Sugars 6.17 g
Salt (Sodium) 3755.74 mg
Folic acid 86.48 ug
Vitamin C 20.55 g
Vitamin A 637.22 ug
Zinc 1.63 mg
Iron 3.16 mg
Calcium 193.86 mg
Cholesterol 446.67 mg
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 8.8 g
Monounsaturated fatty acids 25.02 g
Saturates 8.03 g
Fiber 1.92 g
The data is merely a guide and should not be used for medical purposes. Those responsible for the web disclaims any responsibility.