60 min
Suitable for vegetarians
Type of dish: Dessert
Temperature: Room temperature
Seasonal period: All year
Ingredients for 5 portions
Ingredients for portions/units
Small golden apple 0.35 kg
Eggs 0.1 ud
Sugar 0.01 kg
Frutgel (cold gelatine) 0.013 kg
Apricot coulis 0.055 l
Plain flour 0.04 kg
Strong flour 0.04 kg
Water 0.04 l
Table salt 1.28 g
Margarine puff pastry 0.08 kg

The following dishes are necessary for this recipe:


  • Cut with an apple-shaped dough cutter or any shape you wish.
  • Prick with a fork lengthwise so that that area doesn’t rise when baked.
  • Place the patissiere cream over the pricked area with the help of a pastry bag.
  • Wash, peel, remove the seeds and slice the apple and then place it on top of the patissiere cream.
  • Sprinkle some sugar over the apple and brush the puff pastry with egg so that it shines once baked.
  • Bake at 225 ºC and lower to 210 ºC if necessary.
  • Remove the puff pastry from the oven, leave to cool and then shine with the frutgel.
  • Plate up together with the apricot coulis.
Nutritional information (1 portion)
Sugars 14.76 g
Salt (Sodium) 259.98 mg
Folic acid 10.49 ug
Vitamin C 7.54 g
Vitamin A 16.87 ug
Zinc 0.34 mg
Iron 0.68 mg
Calcium 26.73 mg
Cholesterol 40.17 mg
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 6.21 g
Monounsaturated fatty acids 3.77 g
Saturates 3.85 g
Fiber 2.03 g
The data is merely a guide and should not be used for medical purposes. Those responsible for the web disclaims any responsibility.