Smoked "porrusalda" shot with confitted cod

45 min
Temperature: Hot, Cold
Seasonal period: All year
Ingredients for 5 portions
Ingredients for portions/units
Onion 0.1 kg
Carrots 0.05 kg
Leek 2.0 ud
Potatoes 0.1 kg
Sal ahumada 2.0 g
Poultry stock 0.25 l
Cod loin 0.1 kg
Onion 0.017 kg
Carrots 0.008 kg
Green leek 0.1 ud
Water 0.25 l
Powdered vegetable stock 0.017 kg

For smoked porrusalda cream:

  • Simmer the onion, the carrot and the leek in intense oil.
  • Add the potato, sauté with the vegetables and cover with the poultry stock.
  • Allow to cook for approximately 25 minutes.
  • Blend and add the smoked salt.

For the cod in pil-pil style.     


  • Place some cream in the bowl.
  • Place some cod slices on top and pour over the pil-pil sauce.
  • Decorate with a fresh baby leaves and crispy toast.
Nutritional information (1 portion)
Fiber 3.62 g
Saturates 5.1 g
Monounsaturated fatty acids 21.31 g
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 3.4 g
Cholesterol 10.15 mg
Calcium 89.61 mg
Iron 1.62 mg
Zinc 0.41 mg
Vitamin A 259.5 ug
Vitamin C 26.67 g
Folic acid 79.95 ug
Salt (Sodium) 1914.37 mg
Sugars 7.78 g
The data is merely a guide and should not be used for medical purposes. Those responsible for the web disclaims any responsibility.