75 min
Type of dish: Dessert
Temperature: Cold
Seasonal period: All year
Ingredients for 5 portions
Ingredients for portions/units
Pasteurised egg yolk 0.048 kg
Sugar 0.08 kg
Creamed corn 0.008 kg
Fish tails 8.5 g
White coating 0.04 kg
Cream 0.15 l
Eggs 1.8 ud
Sugar 0.054 kg
Plain flour 0.054 kg
Water 0.05 l
Sugar 0.05 kg
Ron Bacardí 0.003 l
Orange coulis 0.01 l

For this recipe the following elaborations are needed:


  • Hydrate the gelatin in cold water and set aside.
  • Beat the cream and keep it in the freezer.
  • Prepare a basic English cream, add the hot white coating and the gelatin.
  • Reduce the temperature of the mixture to 27-33 ºC.
  • Once reached the required temperature, fold in the previously beaten cream using a rubber spatula.
  • Once mixed, pour into molds and place in the freezer to set.
  • Once set, remove the bavaroise from the freezer and put it on a génoise sponge cake and soak. Turn the mold over and take the bavaroise out.
  • Place it on a plate with the orange coulis.
Nutritional information (1 portion)
Sugars 45.55 g
Salt (Sodium) 158.68 mg
Folic acid 29.63 ug
Vitamin C 1.47 g
Vitamin A 209.04 ug
Zinc 1.13 mg
Iron 1.3 mg
Calcium 153.45 mg
Cholesterol 235.6 mg
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 1.24 g
Monounsaturated fatty acids 6.36 g
Saturates 11.18 g
Fiber 0.4 g
The data is merely a guide and should not be used for medical purposes. Those responsible for the web disclaims any responsibility.