50 min
Type of dish: Legumes, Meats
Temperature: Hot
Cuisine type: 5th range cuisine
Seasonal period: All year
Ingredients for 5 portions
Ingredients for portions/units
White beans 0.5 kg
Quail 0.1 kg
Onion 0.25 kg
Carrots 0.1 kg
Leek 1.0 ud
Tomato 0.25 kg
Garlic, bulb 2.5 ud
Bay leaf 0.5 g
Thyme 0.5 g
Rosemary 0.5 g
  • Boil the onion, the leek, the tomato and a garni bouquet (parsley, thyme and bay leaves). in 4 litres of water (slightly salted).Once the water is boiling, add the frozen white beans and wait until the water stars to boil again.
  • Cook the white beans on a low heat until they are tender.
  • Brown the quail (previously with salt and pepper) in a frying pan or in a casserole dish. Once browned, add them to the rest of the ingredients until they are tender taking care that they do not crumble.
  • While cooking the beans and the quail, check if they are tender enough. When they are tender, take them out, untie them and cut them into 4 pieces (2 thighs and 2 breasts).
  • Once the beans are cooked, take the onion, the tomato and the leeks out of the stew and blend and strain them. Then add this to the white beans. Remove the garni bouquet.
  • Bring the beans to the boil again along with the quails, season to taste if necessary and, before cooling place onto trays. Do not cover.
  • Allow to cool to less than 8 ºC in less than 2 hours. Heat-seal and keep it refrigerated (0 - 3 ºC) in the refrigerating chamber.



  • The core temperature of the product must reach, at least, 65 ºC.
  • In the same tray, heat the stew in a steam oven (100 % humidity) to 93 ºC for 30 minutes.
  • For single servings, heat in the microwave for 5 minutes at maximum power.
  • Another way of heating the stew is to take the product out of the tray and to heat it on the hob in a sauté dish. 
Nutritional information (1 portion)
Sugars 6.4 g
Salt (Sodium) 904.52 mg
Folic acid 56.49 ug
Vitamin C 19.59 g
Vitamin A 242.42 ug
Zinc 0.51 mg
Iron 2.71 mg
Calcium 107.56 mg
Cholesterol 6.13 mg
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 0.11 g
Monounsaturated fatty acids 0.15 g
Saturates 0.4 g
Fiber 8.38 g
The data is merely a guide and should not be used for medical purposes. Those responsible for the web disclaims any responsibility.