45 min
Temperature: Cold
Additional culinary preparation: Sweet
Seasonal period: All year
Ingredients for 5 portions
Ingredients for portions/units
Sterilised milk 0.032 l
Cream 0.032 l
Egg yolk 0.63 ud
Sugar 0.01 kg
  • Soak the gelatin in cold water.
  • Heat the cream and the milk in a saucepan until it boils and remove from the heat.
  • Mix the egg yolks, the sugar and part of the hot milk in a bowl using a whisk.
  • Put all the mixture in the saucepan and heat to 82 ºC-85 ºC stirring constantly with a spatula.
  •  Strain over a bowl with the chocolate coating and the gelatin and mix everything with a spatula until the chocolate coating is properly dissolved.
  • Keep in the fridge in a pastry bag until use.


Nutritional information (1 portion)
Sugars 2.37 g
Salt (Sodium) 9.58 mg
Folic acid 4.12 ug
Vitamin C 0.11 g
Vitamin A 41.38 ug
Zinc 0.29 mg
Iron 0.79 mg
Calcium 17.81 mg
Cholesterol 38.13 mg
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 0.25 g
Monounsaturated fatty acids 1.62 g
Saturates 2.94 g
Fiber 0.55 g
The data is merely a guide and should not be used for medical purposes. Those responsible for the web disclaims any responsibility.