2 h 45 min
Suitable for vegans
Type of dish: Bread and pastries
Cuisine type: Vegan cuisine
Seasonal period: All year
Ingredients for 5 portions
Ingredients for portions/units
Water 0.171 l
Table salt 5.263 g
Yeast 10.526 g
Olive oil 0.017 l
stoneless black olives 0.026 kg
Sugar 0.004 kg
Olive oil 0.033 l
Water 0.033 l

Kneading time: 15´
Dough temperature: 24 ºC
1ª Fermentation undivided dough: 90´
2ª Fermentation divided dough pieces: 10´
3ª Fermentation formed pieces: +/- 45´
Cooking time: 20´
Oven temperature: 220 ºC


  • Knead the flour with the water at low speed for the first 3 minutes. Increase the speed to intermediate until the kneading process ends.
  • Add the oil halfway through the kneading process.
  • Add the salt 4 minutes before ending the kneading, add salt and one minute after, the leavening agent. Finish kneading. 
  • Ferment as a whole, folding the dough, if necessary every 20´.
  • Divide the dough into +/- 450 g portions.
  • Place the dough in rectangular molds with a bit of oil on the base (+/-20 ml).
  • Spread the dough with the fingers, turning it so the dough absorbs the oil on both sides. 
  • At this moment black oils can be added, dill,  dehydrated tomato, julienned onion, rosemary etc, or do not add any ingredient.  
  • Add the same amount of water and olive oil to the surface of the focaccia and rub with these liquids the surface of the bread dough. ( +/- 75 ml per focaccia )
  • Proceed to give the characteristic fingerprint with the fingers to the entire surface of the focaccia. 
  • Ferment the dough for a second time (protected from the air). It must double its initial volume.
  • Once fermented, bake the focaccia without steam until it is golden brown. 
  • Place the focaccia outside the baking sheet and over a metal rack until it cools. 
  • Portion the focaccia.
Nutritional information (1 portion)
Sugars 1.01 g
Salt (Sodium) 534.21 mg
Folic acid 44.73 ug
Vitamin C 0.0 g
Vitamin A 20.0 ug
Zinc 0.49 mg
Iron 0.75 mg
Calcium 8.88 mg
Cholesterol 0.05 mg
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 1.09 g
Monounsaturated fatty acids 7.97 g
Saturates 1.52 g
Fiber 2.54 g
The data is merely a guide and should not be used for medical purposes. Those responsible for the web disclaims any responsibility.