120 min
Temperature: Cold
Additional culinary preparation: Sweet
Seasonal period: All year
Ingredients for 5 portions
Ingredients for portions/units
Water 0.04 l
White celery 0.5 kg
Sugar 0.012 kg
Agar - agar 0.001 kg
Fish tails 2.0 g
Anise seed 0.8 g
  • Place the gelatin sheets into cold water.
  • Bring half of the celery juice, water, sugar and agar-agar to a boil.
  •  Turn off the heat and add in the ground star anise (previously sifted).
  • Drain and add in the gelatin sheets.
  • Incorporate the other half of the celery juice and pour the mixture over a 16 x 16 aluminum mould.
  • Cool completely in the fridge and cover it making sure you avoid any pockets of air on the surface of the mixture.
  • Slice it into about 8 x 1.5 cm portions.
Nutritional information (1 portion)
Sugars 4.28 g
Salt (Sodium) 80.0 mg
Folic acid 10.18 ug
Vitamin C 5.6 g
Vitamin A 76.0 ug
Zinc 0.09 mg
Iron 0.5 mg
Calcium 44.67 mg
Cholesterol 0.0 mg
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 0.08 g
Monounsaturated fatty acids 0.0 g
Saturates 0.0 g
Fiber 1.23 g
The data is merely a guide and should not be used for medical purposes. Those responsible for the web disclaims any responsibility.