Category Meats
Seasonal period: All year

It is the part located in the lower part of the pig’s neck. It is made mainly from fat. It is commonly used as a fatty component for making  sausages and pâtés. In some places It is used salted or marinated in stews .


Nutritional information (0.1 kg)
Sugars 0.0 g
Salt (Sodium) 2580.0 mg
Folic acid 0.0 ug
Vitamin C 0.0 g
Vitamin A 0.0 ug
Zinc 0.0 mg
Iron 2.4 mg
Calcium 21.0 mg
Cholesterol 57.0 mg
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 10.86 g
Monounsaturated fatty acids 29.86 g
Saturates 14.99 g
Fiber 0.0 g
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