Category Offal
Seasonal period: All year

They can be bought fresh or frozen, but they are always sold without hoofs, as they must be removed at the moment of the slaughter or they become very hard to remove. We can also buy them cooked and canned. The freshness can be determined by a pleasant smell and a non viscous aspect.

Nutritional information (0.1 kg)
Sugars 0.0 g
Salt (Sodium) 235.0 mg
Folic acid 3.0 ug
Vitamin C 0.0 g
Vitamin A 0.0 ug
Zinc 2.6 mg
Iron 2.5 mg
Calcium 10.0 mg
Cholesterol 107.0 mg
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 1.5 g
Monounsaturated fatty acids 1.5 g
Saturates 4.3 g
Fiber 0.0 g
The data is merely a guide and should not be used for medical purposes. Those responsible for the web disclaims any responsibility.