60 min
Suitable for vegans
Cuisine type: Vegan cuisine
Seasonal period: All year
Ingredients for 5 portions
Ingredients for portions/units
Peach 1.0 kg
Water 1.5 l
Sugar 0.3 kg
Hierba Luisa 0.5 g
  • Peach peaches, peel peaches, leave no defects on the surface.
  • Make a syrup boiling water with sugar.
  • When the syrup is boiling, add the peach and the verbena, cover it with the paper and the lid of the pot, and once it is boiled again, put it on a slow heat and cook it like that.
  • They must be stored in the syrup itself until they are sauced.
Nutritional information (1 portion)
Fiber 2.46 g
Saturates 0.0 g
Monounsaturated fatty acids 0.0 g
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 0.0 g
Cholesterol 0.0 mg
Calcium 15.28 mg
Iron 0.7 mg
Zinc 0.11 mg
Vitamin A 146.61 ug
Vitamin C 14.08 g
Folic acid 5.28 ug
Salt (Sodium) 5.28 mg
Sugars 72.84 g
The data is merely a guide and should not be used for medical purposes. Those responsible for the web disclaims any responsibility.