Seasonal period: January, February, March, April

Fennel bulbs are considered to be great vegetables for salads and also in stews giving dishes  that anise-like taste. It has a very particular taste.

Fennel, and specially the seeds of the plant have a high content of anethole. Seeds are often added to fatty stews and legumes to ease their digestion. They are  also used  in bakery, in the elaboration of pickled products, sauces and many stews.

Like all vegetables, fennel has a low energetic value, but it has a high content in carbohydrates and fiber. Its vitamin content is not very significant but it has B3 vitamin, folic acid and provitamin A, apart from minerals, potassium being the one with the highest amount.

It is usually sold fresh.

Nutritional information (0.1 kg)
Sugars 3.93 g
Salt (Sodium) 0.0 mg
Folic acid 27.0 ug
Vitamin C 12.0 g
Vitamin A 48.0 ug
Zinc 0.2 mg
Iron 0.7 mg
Calcium 49.0 mg
Cholesterol 0.0 mg
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 0.0 g
Monounsaturated fatty acids 0.0 g
Saturates 0.0 g
Fiber 3.1 g
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