Galletas para perros de zanahoria

40 min
Suitable for vegans
Cuisine type: Vegan cuisine
Temperature: Room temperature
Additional culinary preparation: Sweet
Seasonal period: All year
Ingredients for 5 portions
Ingredients for portions/units
Carrots 0.033 kg
Water 0.033 l
Fine wholemeal flour 0.058 kg
  • Cortar en rodajas gruesas las zanahorias con piel. Hervir durante 10 minutos. 
  • Quitar el agua de la cocción y triturar. 
  • Añadir la harina integral hasta que la masa no se pegue a las manos.
  • Estirar y cortar la masa.
  • Hornear a 180 ºC durante 20 minutos
Nutritional information (1 portion)
Fiber 1.22 g
Saturates 0.04 g
Monounsaturated fatty acids 0.03 g
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 0.12 g
Cholesterol 0.0 mg
Calcium 6.75 mg
Iron 0.45 mg
Zinc 0.24 mg
Vitamin A 79.86 ug
Vitamin C 0.36 g
Folic acid 6.78 ug
Salt (Sodium) 4.57 mg
Sugars 0.43 g
The data is merely a guide and should not be used for medical purposes. Those responsible for the web disclaims any responsibility.