Kitchen and bakery utensils
It’s a metal sheet (flat or with lines poked in) under which the heat source is located. It usually works with electricity or gas, which transfers heat to the sheet where the food is put to cook. The most common material used for making grills is iron and hard chrome.
Chrome grills can be used with products coated in flour or breadcrumbs.
All grills are used to prepare grilled food.
Type of dish
- Beers
- Sándwich
- Cocktails
- Ice creams and sorbets
- Breakfasts and brunch
- Burguers
- Juices, milkshakes and beverages
- Pizzas, patty
- Dessert
- Shellfish
- Pasta
- Salads
- Finger foods
- Legumes
- Bread and pastries
- Pastries
- Eggs
- Patty
- liqueur
- Fish
- Main course
- Harvard plate
- Meats
- Soups and creams
- Vegetables
- Rices
- Birds
- Coffee, chocolate and infusion
- Appetizers and canapes
- Cheeses
- Temperature
- Cuisine type
- Additional culinary preparation
- Conservation technique
- Seasonal recipes
- Aromatic herbs
- Beverages
- Big game hunt
- Bread and pastries
- Canned goods and pickles
- Cereals
- Condiments, spices and additives
- Cooked, salted, preserved and cold meats
- Dried fruits and nuts
- Dry pulses
- Edible oils and vinegars
- Eggs and derivatives
- Feathered game hunt
- Fish cuts
- Fishes
- Insects
- Kitchen and bakery tecniques
- Kitchen and bakery utensils
- Meat cuts
- Meats
- Milk, cream and derivatives
- Mushrooms
- Offal
- Pasta, rice, flour and derivatives
- Poultry
- Seafood
- Service techniques
- Service utensils
- Vegetables cuts
- Vegetables, fruits, tubers and seaweed