Lepista nuda
Nombre comun: pie azul.
Sombrero de 5-15 cms., de convexo a aplanado, con margen enrollado. Cutícula violácea o de color tostado, higrófana en tiempo húmedo. Láminas apretadas y violetas. Pie con base bulbosa. Olor y sabor agradables. Saprofita en suelos con abundante humus. *Buen comestible cocinado, ¡crudo es venenoso!. En algunas personas produce un débil efecto laxante. Cultivable.
Se puede confundir con cortinarios violetas no comestibles y de olores desagradables a: moho, tierra, orina o pólvora.
Type of dish
- Beers
- Legumes
- Sándwich
- Pizzas, patty
- Cocktails
- Ice creams and sorbets
- Pasta
- Dessert
- Meats
- Breakfasts and brunch
- Birds
- Salads
- Shellfish
- Bread and pastries
- Finger foods
- Main course
- Burguers
- Coffee, chocolate and infusion
- Juices, milkshakes and beverages
- Pastries
- Soups and creams
- Fish
- Rices
- Eggs
- Patty
- Cheeses
- liqueur
- Appetizers and canapes
- Vegetables
- Temperature
- Cuisine type
- Additional culinary preparation
- Conservation technique
- Seasonal recipes
- Aromatic herbs
- Beverages
- Big game hunt
- Bread and pastries
- Canned goods and pickles
- Cereals
- Condiments, spices and additives
- Cooked, salted, preserved and cold meats
- Dried fruits and nuts
- Dry pulses
- Edible oils and vinegars
- Eggs and derivatives
- Feathered game hunt
- Fish cuts
- Fishes
- Insects
- Kitchen and bakery tecniques
- Kitchen and bakery utensils
- Meat cuts
- Meats
- Milk, cream and derivatives
- Mushrooms
- Offal
- Pasta, rice, flour and derivatives
- Poultry
- Seafood
- Service techniques
- Service utensils
- Vegetables cuts
- Vegetables, fruits, tubers and seaweed